Experience in the use of non-seismic geophysical and geochemical methods for solving problems of zonal and local forecasting of oil and gas potential.

Scheme of work execution at the Vostochno-Messoyakhsky and Zapadno-Messoyakhsky license areas.

The processing of the materials included the assessment of the concentration distribution law, standardization of the hydrocarbon contents in the samples, and the construction of maps of the distribution of these contents over the work area.

For each hydrocarbon determined in the samples, the correspondence of the concentration distribution to the normal or lognormal law was checked.

According to the Instruction on geochemical prospecting methods, the aggregates of concentration values ​​or physicochemical properties for which the Kolmogorov criterion does not exceed 135% are considered as satisfying the normal law.

Reinterpretation of geological and geophysical materials Timan-Pechora province.

Processing and reinterpretation of geological and geophysical data

Transformation of potential fields

Transformations of potential fields, factorial and cluster analyzes were carried out in order to study the geological and geophysical structure of the basement and sedimentary cover.

Mapping of oil-promising elements of the sedimentary cover

According to the data of gravity prospecting, positive structures of the second order (mega-anticlines), controlled by long-lived tectonic faults, have been identified.

Hydrocarbon deposits and known local structures are confined to the distinguished mega-anticlines.

The revealed mega-anticlines are zones promising for the detection of hydrocarbon traps.

Mapping of mega-anticlines based on gravity data

Mapping long-lived tectonic faults based on magnetic survey data

Geophysical signs of oil and gas potential

Pseudo-density distribution of productive sediments

Map of spectral – amplitude characteristics of the magnetic field

Distribution of pseudo-magnetization of productive sediments.

Determination of the location of the well

Areas of anomalous values of geochemical elements

Areas promising for HC detection by
electrical data

Areas of epigenetically altered rocks

Seismogeological model

Magnetic prospecting

Gravity exploration

For more than 15 years, the East European Geophysical Association has been processing and reinterpreting geological and geophysical materials (gravimetry, magnetometry, seismics, etc.) in order to identify promising oil and gas zones within large license areas.

The company conducts its research and production activities in close cooperation with leading specialists from the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg State University and the Nizhny Novgorod Research Radiophysical Institute.

The company develops and manufactures geophysical electrical survey equipment, software for working with equipment and processing field data, and also performs various service geophysical works.