High sensitive search coils

The key point in field measurements using the MT method is highly sensitive induction magnetometers (or search coils) developed and manufactured by VEGA LLC.

More than 700 pieces of equipment have been manufactured and delivered to the Customers all over the World over 22 years of work.

Search coils of the IMS series are among the best in the World market and are able to compete with products of such famous companies as Phoenix geophysics, Metronix, Zonge etc.

Specification of search coils of the IMS series

IMS-005 IMS-007 IMS-008 IMS-009 IMS-010 IMS-015
Frequency band, Hz
0.01 – 20 000 0.001 – 10 000 0.0005 – 1 000 0.001 – 2 000 0.0001 – 1 000 0.0001 – 10 000
Linear arising band, Hz
0.01 – 4 0.001 – 4 0.0005 – 2 0.001 – 4 0.001 – 2 0.001 – 2
Flat band, Hz
4 – 20 000 4 – 2 000 2 – 1 000 4 – 2 000 2 – 1 000 2 – 10 000
Intrinsic noise level 0.01/1/1000 Hz nT/Hz-0.5
2/5∙10-4/1∙10-5 2/5∙10-2/1∙10-3 0.01/1∙10-4/5∙10-6 0.02/2∙10-4/2∙10-5 0.01/1∙10-4/1∙10-5 0.01/1∙10-4/3∙10-6
Frequency dependent transformation coefficient (arising band), V/(nT∙Hz)
0.4F 0.4F 0.8F 0.4F 0.8F 0.8F
Constant transformation coefficient, V/nT
0.8 0.8 1.6 0.8 1.6 1.6
Power consumption, mA
60 80 80 60 80 60
Dimensions: Length/Diameter, mm
500/60 800/75 1 250/75 800/65 1 050/75 1 050/75
Weight, Kg
4.0 6.5 7.5 5.0 7.0 6.5

Comparative characteristics of intrinsic noise of inductive sensors of various types and manufacturers
(Alexandrovka village, Olgino pole, 09.09.2021)

Intrinsic noise of IMS-015

MT-AMT set of instruments

MT-AMT set is equipped with specific type of search coils in accordance with the necessary tasks.

MT-AMT set of instruments is typically used in:

  • Magnetotelluric Sounding (MT)
  • Audio Magnetotelluric sounding (AMT)
  • Control source Magnetotelluric (CSMT)

MT-AMT unit is used in various investigations:

  • When solving oil and gas exploration problems
  • Search for solid minerals
  • When developing geothermal energy sources
  • When solving water search problems

As well as for solving various research problems of monitoring electromagnetic environment, the apparent resistivity of the underlying surface and the micro-fault situation during hydraulic fracturing process.

MT-AMT set is completed with broadband data logger NORD+

Specification of NORD MT system:


Number of channels 5 (2 + 3)
Measured EMF components Ex, Ey, Hx, Hy, Hz
Frequency band:


DC – 1000
5 – 100 000 Hz
DC – 100 000 Hz
A/D converter 32 bit + 24 bit
2400, 150 и 15 Hz
312.5 и 78.125 kHz
Input impedance 20 МOhm
Input capacitance < 0.5 nF
Dynamic range E channels: +/- 600 mV
Н channels: +/- 2300 mV
Channel to channel interference rejection > 120 dB
Intrinsic noise level ~ 3.5 nV/√Hz
Data control and transfer Wi-Fi 802.11n
Positioning accuracy (GPS, BeiDou & GLONASS) +/- 1 m
Timing accuracy +/- 30 nS (SQRT)
Build-in storage 32 Gb Industrial Grade (optional 256 Gb)
Weight ~ 2 kG
Dimensions 20x10x13 cm
Power 12 V
Environment protection IP-67
Power consumption:


6 Wt
6 Wt
8.5 Wt
Temperature -40 … + 50 °C

The main advantages of the NORD+:

  • High measurement accuracy
  • Built-in GPS positioning system
  • Quick start
  • Convenience of work
  • Wireless connection

The composition of the NORD complex:

  • NORD+ signal recorder
  • 3 IMS series induction magnetic sensors
  • 5 non-polarizing electrodes
  • 3 insulated shielded signal cables
  • Mobile power supply 12 V
  • Processing software: Epi-Kit, QC-QA, MT-Corrector, Inversio (by NordWest)

VMTU-10 magnetotelluric set of instruments

There is a 50% discount on this equipment


The MT-AMT set of instruments VMTU-10 allows solving the following geological prospecting tasks:
– based on geoelectric data to construct models of changes in the lithological characteristics of sedimentary rocks that are reservoirs of hydrocarbons;
– predict the boundaries of hydrocarbon reservoirs (reservoir – fluid seal) to highlight the most promising prospecting areas and adjust the locations of wells;
– determine the boundaries of ore bodies and occurrences when searching for solid minerals (solids) and water resources.
When solving the above problems, it is necessary to rely on a priori geological and geophysical data for the study region to increase the reliability of the forecast.

The VMTU-10 station is designed to carry out electrical exploration work using the MT-AMT method. The station’s Data Collection Unit is built on the basis of the edr-209 digitizer, manufactured by the English electronic company EarthData.

MT Station consist of:

  • 5-channel Data Acquisition Unit VMTU-10
  • 3 induction magnetic sensors of the IMS series
  • 5 non-polarizing electrodes
  • Antenna for satellite navigation system GPS, GLONASS
  • 3 insulated shielded signal cables
  • MT-AMT data quality control software – QMT and QMTview
  • Software for processing MT-AMT data, 1D inversion program – VMTU1d

The depth of sounding ranges from several tens of meters to 10 km.

VMTU-10 digitally registers three mutually orthogonal components of an alternating magnetic field and two components of an electric (telluric) field in a wide frequency range from 0.001 to 1,000 Hz, which allows electrical exploration at depths from the first tens of meters to several tens of kilometers.

Magnetic induction sensors of the IMS series are precision converters of weak low-frequency magnetic fields into an analog electrical signal.

All sensors provide a maximum output voltage of ± 10 V at a supply voltage of ± 12 V.



Magnetic monitoring station SMM-09 by Vega

The multi-channel magnetic monitoring station SMM-09 is designed to monitor the Earth’s magnetic field in the ELF and VLF ranges (Extremely Low Frequency and Very Low Frequency, i.e. from 0.001 to 1000 Hz), as well as for geophysical research using the method of relative measurements of three orthogonal components of the geomagnetic field induction vector.

The station is designed for deployment in observatories and laboratories of research organizations.

SMM-09 includes:

  • Induction magnetic sensors IMS-010 (manufactured by VEGA LLC) – 3 pcs.
  • Six-channel Data Acquisition Unit (DAC) digitizer edr209 (Earth Data, Kenda Elektronik Systems, Ltd. UK) – 1 pc.
  • Input interface for matching induction sensors and edr209 with voltage conversion function – 1 pc.
  • GPS antenna with connecting cable – 1 pc.
  • Set of connecting cables:
    • Signal connecting cables for IMS-010 sensors and input interface – 3 pcs.
    • Power supply cable – 1 pc.
    • Connecting cable (Ethernet) – 1 pc.


EARTHDATA EDR-209 6-channel logger

Detailed information about edr-209 data logger please refer to:


10-pin shielded connection cables

A batch of new 25 cables is available. Did not work in the field. The cables are of high quality. Original 10-pin MIL-C Amphenol connectors with a good discount.

Non-polarizing electrode Vega

VEGA LLC produces non-polarizing lead-chloride electrodes. A one-piece housing without components and a durable silicone wire ensure the reliability, strength and durability of the structure. We can make it in any quantity.