Eastern European Geophysical Association VEGA LLC

The Russian geophysical, scientific and production company was registered in 2008, located in St. Petersburg.

The company has been developing geophysical and radio engineering equipment and software for electrical exploration for more than 15 years. VEGA LLC specialists have developed a line of magnetic induction sensors of the IMS series, which surpass Western analogues in technical parameters. The company has repeatedly participated in various R&D projects with such companies as Rosatom State Corporation, the Bortnik Foundation, Krylovsky SSC, SPbF IZMIRAN, FSUE NIRFI.

Products with the VEGA brand are used by the following companies: Geological Institute of KFAN (Apatity), IPG (Moscow), IRNTU (Irkutsk), NPO Typhoon (Obninsk), IFZ (Moscow), JSC “Elektromera” (St. Petersburg), Geophysical Observatory “Borok”, North-West LLC, SIGMA LLC, DG LLC (USA), Orange Lamp LLC (China), Ionosphere Institute (Republic of Kazakhstan).

Vega geophysics

VMTU-10 and IMS coils testing on Lake Baikal

Service geophysical works:

  • Audiomagnetotellurics (AMT);
  • Magnetotellurics (MT);
  • Low Period Magnetotellurics (LMT);
  • Broadband Magnetotellurics (BMT);
  • Magnetovariational Profiling (MVP);
  • Telluric Currents (TC);
  • Gravimetric exploration;
  • Processing and interpretation of the results of geophysical measurements;
  • Drawing up geological reports.